
OUr Charter

Charter schools are public schools with a twist. Being a public school means we are free to all families and cannot discriminate against any applicant, unless the number of applicants outnumbers how many open slots we offer. In that case, a random lottery must be held to fairly choose applicants. 

Now here's the twist: Our governing board follows a charter, the contract with the state of Utah that allows for the school to exist and operate. Charters bring freedom of choice to families and educators. 

You may read our charter below. The charter application is what we submitted to the state and constitutes the bulk of our operation vision. The charter agreement is the legal binding document signed between our founding board and the State Charter School Board.

Board meetings

Board meetings are generally held on the second Thursday of each month at 7 pm in the Literacy Engage room. If that day falls on a holiday or conflicting event, it will instead be held on the third Thursday. Meetings are open to the public, except when the board votes to go into executive session. No regularly-scheduled meetings are held in July.


Jenn Price

Founder/Volunteer CAO



board members

Cindy Busard

Cindy Busard

Interim Board Chair



Matthew Bridgstock

Matthew Bridgstock



Naya Puntsag

Naya Puntsag

Treasurer & Audit Committee



Andy Monson

Andy Monson


Erin Uda

Erin Uda

Audit Committee


Interested in serving on the board?

trust land council

"Each public school in Utah elects a school community council consisting of parents, teachers, and the principal. Charter Schools have Trust Lands Councils. All councils have a two parent member majority. Each council carefully reviews student assessments and progress to decide which academic areas they want to focus on.  Plans are developed to improve student academic performance in the identified academic areas with the annual School LAND Trust funds.  The plans are approved by the council, submitted [to the state], and approved by the local school board or chartering entity."  -

Every year we form a new Trust LAND council with our director, a staff member, and four student parents. If you are a parent who would like to be involved, email us at or use the link below.

Teacher and Student Success Act (TSSA)

Title 1 information


  • Feb12
    2-6 Grade Informational Meeting for Prospective Parents
  • Feb13
    Board Meeting
  • Feb17
    President's Day (No School)
  • Feb18
    Term 4B Begins
    Hope Week

    February 18-21

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