FSO & Volunteering

Family-Service Organization

Like a PTA, our FSO is a body of parent volunteers who build our community. They host family events like the Carnival, Talent Show, Valentines Dance, FoxTrot, and monthly dine-out fundraisers. Their fundraising efforts have funded classroom materials, the Discovery Garden, computer devices, STEM activities, and many more things to benefit our teachers and students directly. The FSO also prepares the school yearbook.

If you would like to join the FSO in helping our school family, please email fsogroup@franklindiscovery.org.


We are so grateful to our parent volunteers who give their time to help our staff and students! Parents can help in many ways, including homerooms, Engage classes, STEMRec, lunch, traffic safety, and after-school clubs. Any way you choose to help, please consider your potential to greatly impact the school community and your own students. We are so grateful for you!


  • Sep16
    Read-Aloud Reward Night
  • Sep17
    Discovery Day - Constitution Day
  • Sep20
    Spirit Day
  • Sep26
    Fall Picture Day
  • Sep27
    FSO Fall Festival
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