Franklin Discovery Academy is available to rent, all or part! Fees per hour with a minimum of two hours. Allow at least 30 minutes for set-up and another 30 minutes for clean-up. All rentals are non-exclusive unless the entire facility is rented. Our building may be rented on non-school days from 8 am - 10:30 pm. On school days, rental is available from 6 pm - 10:30 pm. Holiday and Sunday rentals are subject to the availability of our facilities staff. Class 2 includes non-profit organizations, public entities and governments.
A cleaning deposit of $150 is required for all non-school use rentals. The deposit will be returned in full if the building does not require janitorial services after your event.
| School Use | Class 2 | General Use | For Profit
Entire Exclusive Use of Facility | no fee* | $100 | $120 | $225
Gym and Stage | no fee* | $45 | $85 | $125 |
Gym, Stage, and STEMRec | no fee* | $70 | $100 | $175 |
STEMRec | no fee* | $40 | $85 | $100
Lab Classroom or Conference Room | no fee* | $25 | $45 | $75
Technician or Host (each) | no fee* | $25 | $25 | $40
Homeroom Classroom | no fee* | $45 | $55 | $85
South outside play area | no fee* | $40 | $55 | $85
Parking Lot for Outside Activity | no fee* | $35 | $50 | $75 |
Kitchen (add on to Gym rental)
| no fee* | $20 | $25 | $45
Kitchen (stand-alone) | no fee* | $35 | $45 | $85 |
*No fees for school use (FSO, clubs, etc) will be assessed unless the use requires clean-up.
To inquire about availability, please call us at 801-785-6500 or email us at